
My name is Greg. I live in the Bay Area in California. I work in the eCommerce field and have spent many hours indoors in the office and at home. I worry about how my modern lifestyle is adversely affecting my health. Regarding this fear, I often find myself scouring the internet about topics like indoor air quality, artificial light exposure, and other indoor toxins. There are a million blogs out there that have bold claims about how to live a healthy life, but it’s been hard to know if they are trustworthy. This website is my personal project to gather scientific research about wellness topics. I first plan to focus on ways to promote wellness by improving the indoor environment. Any claim I make on this site I plan to explicitly source to a scientific paper. If there is no research or if the research is inconclusive I intend to state that as well. I am in the very early stages for this project. I’m really excited to build this resource for myself and hope that it is useful to anyone who comes across this site as well. I will not place advertising on this site. If you check the privacy policy, you will see that I do not collect any personally identifiable information. In the future I may link to products that I find useful in my quest to live a healthier life. Through those product recommendations I may try to make money through affiliate links. I want to see how large an audience I can grow, without resorting to invasive tracking. I hope you enjoy this project, and I look forward to hearing from you!